Monday, May 11

Chloe 30x30 $695.00 Acrylic on Canvas Finger Painting

The name Chloe means abundant and blooming. Historically purple is the color of power and strength, often seen associated with royalty. The energy of this piece encourages power and strength to move through whatever current challenge you may be facing. Kings, Queens and the greatest leaders of the past and present are not without their own challenges; they are just self-empowered to move through them.

How is it that some people appear to be able to muster up this strength better than others? Is it through DNA, life experience, choices or thought process? Maybe, some people are lucky where others are not. We certainly have free-will, but is this just a false sense of control? Does fate factor in at all? What about an omnipotent power? My answer to all these questions is, yes or all of the above. Your answer may be different, your question may be different, and that is fine as well.

To be abundant and blooming may appear to be easier for some than others, but the fact is all of us deal with our own challenges, some more difficult than others and each of us have a system of tactics to get through these times. It is our nature as a living organism to survive, so we find a way.

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